We are a non-for-profit Community Kindergarten, proudly affiliated with C&K (please visit the C&K website for more information regarding their services), offering a high-quality play and child-centred learning program.

We are managed by a volunteer Parent Committee who help ensure the Kindergarten is well maintained and resourced; compliance is upheld; staff are supported; and finances are spent accordingly.

The management committee members are elected at our AGM which is held in mid-February each year.  These executive management roles include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. We have been lucky enough to have had many consistent and long-standing committee members over the years however new members are also required at times, as well as volunteers to help with organising social events and fundraising.

As a Community Kindergarten we rely on our parent’s commitment, contributions and involvement in a range of ways, to ensure we can continue to operate and support the children and families in our area. This also helps create a real sense of belonging and connectedness between the staff, families and wider community.

Our Kindergarten is a wonderful place to be a part of and we would love you to come and join us and our Kawana Kindy Family.

"I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again.. thank you for all your amazing work and efforts with Sophia. You all do such a wonderful job and should be very proud of all that you do. We have been to a few different centres across Sydney, Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and have certainly never experienced anything like Kawana Kindy. We only wish she had been there from the beginning of the year and we had known about you sooner!"
~ Emma

Our Philosophy

At Kawana Community Kindy…

Relationships between children, families, educators, and the wider community are valued and fostered

We strive to work together to create a relaxed, yet safe and secure environment embedded with love, respect, mindfulness and care in our practices, interactions, and relationships

We believe play is a child’s work, and children will learn at their own pace, and thrive when they have a sense of belonging, connectedness, and wellbeing

We take a holistic approach to a child’s development – of the mind, body, and spirit – and nurture these through meaningful and authentic programmes, interactions, and experiences

We value the children’s rights to be heard, to be respected and to feel safe, and believe they should be treasured for their unique self

“For children, play is as natural as breathing… and as necessary.”
~ Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld

Educators embrace personal and professional growth by challenging their own, and others’ beliefs and practices through listening, questioning, critically reflecting, building relationships, researching and professional development opportunities

We acknowledge, value, and continually grow our understanding of other cultures, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and work on building meaningful relationships with our local Gubbi Gubbi people

We embrace our natural resources and embed them into meaningful life and learning experiences

“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.”
~ Author Unknown

Differences are accepted, respected and celebrated to create a loving and inclusive space

We take a moment here and there to daydream and ponder

We take time to stop and appreciate nature, our environment, and those special little moments throughout the day… and we have fun!!!

"We want to thank the teachers at Kawana Kindy from the bottom of our hearts for your wonderful work with our son. He has been so supported and has really grown under your care. You should be so proud of the Kindergarten that’s been created for everyone! Your calmness, humour and positive nature is so wonderful and refreshing."
~ Aleisha

Meet the Team

We are proud of our dedicated, approachable and passionate teaching team. Many are long standing and work together to ensure consistency, particularly in regards to educators and routine, for the children throughout their Kindy year.

Lisa Grime

Director, Teaching Assistant
(Blue Group)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Originally from Wellington, New Zealand, I have now loved living in Caloundra for over 16 years with my husband, 3 children and our dog. Over the course of my career, I have had a variety of roles within the early childhood sector.

Bec McDonagh

Kindergarten Teacher
(Blue Group)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Being an Early Childhood Teacher has allowed me to fulfil my passions for helping others and for travelling. I have had many opportunities to work, live and volunteer overseas and in rural Queensland.

Birdy (Bec) Stanley

Kindergarten Teacher
(Yellow Group)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)/ Bachelor of Human Services

I am a busy mum, a passionate (but novice) gardener, and I’m very proud to be a member of the Kawana Community Kindergarten teaching team.

Jen Self

Teaching Assistant
(Yellow Group)

I have been working, playing and learning alongside young children for over 25 years now and feel privileged that I have the opportunity to support their growth and development in their early years.

Sandi Roser

Inclusion Support Assistant, Educator
(Blue and Yellow Groups)

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

I am a passionate, Diploma trained educator with over 10 years’ experience and a special interest in languages; Inclusion Support and Reconciliation; Oh, and dinosaurs!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register for Centrelink payments?

No, as we run shorter hours parents are not entitled to any Centrelink rebates or benefits. You may, however, be eligible for subsidised fees if you meet certain criteria. Please contact us if you would like further information regarding this.

Does your service have a payment plan option for paying fees?

Yes, full fee-paying parents are able to sign up to our Debit Success Payment Plan option and organise weekly or fortnightly payments. Information regarding how to do this will be sent out in Term 1, along with the first term’s invoice.

Does your service provide meals?

No, we don’t. Parents/Caregivers are to supply all meals in a lunchbox which is kept in the children’s fridge. Occasionally we will have a gathering or a special event where morning tea or lunch may be provided, however, you will be given plenty of notice regarding this.

Are you a nut-free centre?

No, we aren’t. If there is a child/ren with a serious nut (or other food) allergy we will endeavour to increase awareness by informing all parents and children in the centre about this and we will implement other strategies to meet these children’s needs in this area.

What kinds of food should I pack for my child?

We encourage children to choose healthier options and do ask parents not to bring chocolates, lollies, or cordial. Some examples of items children may have in their lunchbox include a sandwich, wrap, crackers and cheese, fruit, yogurt, carrot or cucumber sticks with hummus, sushi, olives, vegie chips or rice cracker, pretzels, quiche, muffins, or leftovers that may be reheated.

Can my child arrive late or leave early?

Yes, although we would love your child to be there for the entire program time to ensure they are receiving full benefits from it, we do understand that sometimes parents have to schedule around school drop off and pick-up times as well. There may also be times when your child has an appointment or similar and may need to be picked up earlier or dropped off later.

All parents or caregivers must endeavour to not bring their child early, before the program time begins, or to pick up after the program time has finished. We are only licensed to have children in our care for these hours and if an incident occurred before or after these hours we would not be covered. Respect must also be given to the teaching staff who spend much time before and after the scheduled program hours attending to the many other duties they have to complete.

Can my child still attend Kindy if they aren’t immunised?

Yes. Although we recommend that your child is immunised, enrolment at our centre is open to all children whether immunised or not. Unimmunised children, however, may be required to be excluded from the Kindergarten for a period of time (up to 2 weeks) if an infectious disease is reported in the centre. This decision will be made in conjunction with the advice and recommendations from the Public Health Unit and Queensland Health.

Does my child have to sleep?

No, they don’t. We do have a quiet rest period after lunch time as we reinforce to the children the importance of taking time to rest our bodies and minds as part of creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This time allows children to reflect on their day, to daydream, to enjoy listening to music or to sleep if they need to. This period of our day may evolve throughout the year depending on the needs of the children and group to possibly include quiet, manipulative experiences, audio stories, or yoga and meditation.

What if I have concerns or questions about my child?

Our teaching team is always here to help and are very approachable! We are sometimes busy in the mornings and afternoons, however, will arrange a time to chat if we have any concerns we would like to discuss with you. Likewise, if you would like more time to raise concerns or ask questions just ask your child’s teacher when a good time would be to meet and talk.

What if I feel my child isn’t ready to start Kindy or to go to Prep.

Parents and caregivers have the option of delaying their child’s start to Kindy (a Delayed Entry) or to Prep by up to one year. Your child is able to do two years of Kindy if you feel they are not ready for school (this is called a delayed exit). If you have any concerns our teaching team is here to help and offer advice. Likewise, if we feel your child may benefit from another year of Kindy we will discuss this option with you. Ultimately however, the final decision is the parents or caregivers.